Privacy Policy

How your personal and osteopathic data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018.

What data is collected?
​​​​​​​Our team collect basic contact details from you which enables us to contact you regarding bookings.  During your consultation we will collect details of your presenting complaint, medical history, family medical history, as well as other relevant medical information as it might be required to make informed medical decisions about your treatment and further care.

How & Why is the data collected?
Data can be collected by telephone, in person, or electronically. Data is being collected as part of our role of primary care practitioners as set out in The Osteopaths Act 1993 as well as the prevailing professional code of practice and Osteopathic Practice Standards.

Who will the data be shared with?
The data is confidential and your personal information will not be shared with anyone without your consent.

Who is responsible for data protection?
Our Clinic Director & Principal Osteopath Jass Sidhu is appointed the Data Controller for Precision Osteopathy

How long is my data kept for?
According to our Professional Standards as outlined by the General Osteopathic Council Your health records and personal information are kept for a minimum of 8 years after the date of your last consultation at the clinic, as in accordance with our Professional Standards as outlined by the General Osteopathic Council. If you are under 18, your records are kept until you are 25. After this time your records can be erased or destroyed.

If you have any concerns about the way your date is being handled, please contact the clinic.

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