Marcos Dominguez - Body Transformation Coach & Show Prep Coach

Marcos Dominguez

Hi my name is Marcos Dominguez, I am an online coach based in Birmingham, West Midlands.

I have operated my coaching since 2010 after starting to change my own lifestyle and personal goals in competing and keeping healthy.

I have competed in bodybuilding shows at amateur level and competed at British finals after winning regional qualifiers.

My long standing love of physique development came from my own experiences being very over weight and unfit as a child and teenager I began my journey in self development and fell in love with the sport.

Since then I have coached hundreds of individuals from Middle Aged females looking to lose a bit of body fat and improve their way of life to elite level bodybuilders looking to attain pro level status.

I coach many people across the United Kingdom and further a field in Ireland and other parts of Europe.

My ethics are based on you get what you put into anything. The more the client gives me in terms of effort and enthusiasm the more I give them back in terms of work and ensuring they get the most out to working for me.

I have varying training styles however work on a very bespoke individual focus for each person based on their own needs and goals.

Effort, patience and consistency are key principles I look from a potential client and will work very selectively based on that as I my time is a premium and I want to ensure it is well spent on those who need and want it.

Proud Affiliates and Members

General Osteopathic Council European Tour Golf Consultant