What is Sciatica? What causes it and how do you treat it?

Submitted by Jass Sidhu on
What is Sciatica? What causes it and how do you treat it?

Sciatica is defined as pain or discomfort associated with the sciatic nerve. This occurs when there is pressure or damage to the sciatic nerve. Pain usually originates at the lower back, and runs down the hamstring, calf & into the foot.

What causes Sciatica?
Sciatica can be caused by a large number of things, from trauma to the back/areas of the body associated with the sciatic nerve, to muscle strains. Below is a list of specific, common causes of sciatica;

  • Lumbar herniated disc, also known as a ‘slipped disc’
  • Degenerative disc disease, commonly referred to as ‘wear & tear’
  • Piriformis Syndrome
  • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
  • Pregnancy

How long does Sciatica last?
The duration of your symptoms entirely depends on the severity of your sciatica, which will be explained to you in depth during your initial consultation. Generally, sciatica can last from a few weeks, to a few months. In some cases, where the sciatica is caused by damage or a large amount of pressure over the sciatic nerve, your symptoms may last 12 months +

How do you treat Sciatica?
Here at the Edgbaston performance clinic, you will undergo a comprehensive consultation and examination. The osteopath will clearly explain what has caused your sciatica, and what can be done to alleviate the present symptoms/pain. Treatment such as deep tissue massage, and joint manipulation is undertaken on the areas where the sciatic nerve lies. This is done to relieve the pressure from the nerve, as well as address any tight muscles which may be contributing to the pain. At the end of the treatment session, a set of stretches and exercises will be provided, which can be done at home.

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